Category Archives: Mac

Requiem for desktop Macs

I tend to be conservative in predicting Apple’s plans for the future. Without any inside knowledge, any predictions are, at best, educated guesses. It’s far too easy to guess wrong and wind up with a bowl of “claim chowder.” But … Continue reading

Posted in Apple Inc, Mac, Technology | 24 Comments

How to get Screen Sharing in Mac OS X’s Messages to work again

Mac OS X’s Screen Sharing, by allowing me to view and control other people’s Macs from my machine at home, has long proven to be a near-essential tool for me to help my friends and relatives with their Mac problems. Screen sharing is much more effective … Continue reading

Posted in Apple Inc, Mac, Technology | 2 Comments

Secure your data before selling your iOS device or Mac

Before I listed my iPad for sale on last month, I thought I knew what to do. My number one concern was security. More specifically, ensuring that all personal data had been removed from the device and all links between the device … Continue reading

Posted in Apple Inc, iOS, iPad, iPhone, Mac, Technology | 1 Comment

Waiting for Apple’s “next big thing”

The next big thing. It’s what we are all waiting for. Well, at least most of us are. If you’re Samsung, there’s no need to wait; the “next big thing is already here.” Just kidding. Either way, the next big … Continue reading

Posted in Apple Inc, iOS, iPad, iPhone, Mac, Technology | Comments Off on Waiting for Apple’s “next big thing”